Why I Chose to Become an Organizer During a Global Pandemic
By Allison Wiseman, Blue Future Spring for Progress and Change organizer
In the middle of a global pandemic, racial justice protests throughout the nation, with some taking place in my very own city of Louisville, KY, I knew I needed to learn how to organize for causes I was super passionate about. I was tired of the status quo being the norm and seeing the impact young voters had on the 2020 election, I knew our time had finally come to have our seat at the table.
Given the fact our world is operating virtually right now, I did not know how to go about doing this. I had just worked on a senate campaign in the fall, so I knew how to work on zoom, webinars, and slack, but not how to advocate and organize. When I stumbled upon Blue Future, I took it as a sign.
What I learned during this 10-week program, was not only how to organize, but how to communicate as well. I learned how to communicate my passions, how to organize people around a specific cause, and how to recognize the systemic problems with my local community as well as nationally.
I enjoyed having the opportunity to listen to various elected officials and community leaders speak to us every week. Hearing their insights was beyond inspiring. I enjoyed having different issue focuses every week and volunteer opportunities around them.
I plan on taking this knowledge I gained in this program and applying it to whatever career I find myself with after I graduate with my master’s degree next week. Blue Future was such an awesome program full of caring and inspiring people. I highly encourage everyone apply for a semester with them!
About Allison: Allison Wiseman (she/her), B.A., M.A. Organizer for Blue Future and is originally from Louisville, KY. I am super passionate about racial justice reform, women’s rights, and student loan forgiveness, and love working on campaigns.